SHARE – With Ear to the Earth – a free audio/video jam

SHARE, audio/video jam… stanotte in collaborazione con il festival Ear to Earth 2011.
Scarica le registrazioni (115 MB) e ascolta un poco (davvero poco) di Brooklyn…

Tonight  is a special night in collaboration with Ear to Earth 2011 festival.

All participants are encouraged to bring sound/visual files made in Brooklyn to be used in the openjam on Oct 16th!

Also note:

to audio artists >> Please be encouraged to bring your own cables, adaptors & any necessary other things (batteries, power adaptors, and even an extra power strips) – as our ‘rent-out’ equipment has been slimming down w/ people (mistakenly) walked away in the past. ;(

to visual artists >> Please be encouraged to bring adaptor(s) to connect w/ VGA cable for video projectors. We have two projectors. But if you can also bring one to add (even for your own use), it’d be super! If you’re working w/film &/or slides media, please come w/ your projectors. We always love them!! (IPR seems to have a film projector… but not sure which type & if it’s been tested lately…)

to all those who would kindly bring in cables/adaptors/powerstrips >> Please mark them w/ your name to avoid confusions!!

Thank YOU!!!


Do you listen to your environment? What sounds remind you of home? Have you ever thought of using those sounds as music?

Ear to the Earth held a couple of New York Soundscape field recording workshops in the past month.

The recordings gathered during the workshop are available to be used for a special evening of
Download link >>

SHARE will draw from the pool of recordings gathered by workshop participants, via online submissions (closed already) and on-site participants’ own recordings, combined with visual fieldrecordings, create an immersive improvisation of Brooklyn sounds and sights. The Share performance will take place on October 16, 2011 at Issue Project Room as part of the Ear to the Earth Festival.

Recordings from the workshops will further be used as part of a final work featuring sounds from all boroughs, called 100 x John. 100 x John is dedicated to John Cage in honor of his 100th birthday, and modeled on the compositional techniques of John Cage, using indeterminacy and New York sounds to create a true New York Soundscape.

Ear to the Earth is a festival and organization that highlights issues of the environment through sound and media. For its sixth annual installment, Ear to the Earth will present New York Soundscape, an event portraying the sonic life force of New York City, October 15 – 23, 2011.
Visit or for more information.

For those who haven’t participated in the workshop or submitted any files to EMF, you are free to bring your audio &/or visual recordings directly to the open jam.

Bring all of your aural/visual noise-making toys (gear/instruments/equipment) to hop into the jam, &/or simply bring yourself to hang out!

Share @Issue Project Room
The (OA) Can Factory
232 3rd Street, 3rd Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11215
8 pm – midnight

FREE admission!

Facebook event link:
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What is share?

SHARE is first and foremost a platform to explore expression, in a variety of artforms. Through its weekly open jam sessions, engages its participants and spectators in a continually changing dialog on art and culture. As such, SHARE represents an ongoing exploration of collaborative performance as cultural exchange. It mines the relationship of artistic practice to cultural identity, remapping a multiplicity of cultural discourses. The act of creating artistic content in a multicultural collaborative context is a fascinating and natural extension of the SHARE concept.

Share is an open jam, not just for digirati, but for all new culture lovers. Participants bring their portable equipment, plug into our system, improvise on each others’ signal and perform live audio and video. We furnish the amplification and projection. Share happens every Sunday.

open jams and walk-in sets — Bring your equipment/instruments/gear etc. to join the jam!

audio jam: Prepared and spontaneous music from eight plus simultaneous performers. This is the time and place to perform a piece of music you’ve written and hear it on a large sound system, improvise spontaneously with other participants, get feedback on your latest project or try out that new max patch/software setup. Bring your noise maker of choice and an XLR, quarter-inch or RCA cable to join.

video jam: multi-user live video synthesis. Generating an immersive visual environment, in the SHARE tradition, in which multiple participants are able to jointly compose the video output. Try out and learn about new VJ wetware. As with the audio, walk-in sets are encouraged. Bring your clips or camera or laptop/amiga and VGA, S-Video, or RCA cables to join

8pm, free —

Share @ Issue Project Room @ The (OA) Can Factory
232 3rd Street, 3rd Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11215


SHARE is always 100% FREE!! (no admission!)

Show up early!!! and stay late!!

2 Trackbacks

  1. [...] ARTKERNEL » SHARE – With Ear to the Earth – a free audio/video … arte e new media … All participants are encouraged to bring sound/visual files made in Brooklyn to be used in the openjam on Oct 16th! Also note: to audio artists >> Please be encouraged to bring your own … Source: [...]

  2. [...] ARTKERNEL » SHARE – With Ear to the Earth arte e new media … All participants are encouraged to bring sound/visual files made in Brooklyn to be used in the openjam on Oct 16th! Also note: to audio artists >> Please be encouraged to bring your own … Source: [...]


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